Poignée de main d'accord entre un homme et une femme


Réunion de chantier de 4 personnes
AGL is characterized by both the diversity of its careers and its expertise in the maritime, port, logistics and rail sectors, as well as by the cultural diversity of its teams, a genuine advantage in a complex environment in constant evolution. Because our employees are what make this joint adventure so enriching, we invest in everyone’s development by offering a career path based on appropriate guidance, encouraging mobility, a diverse organization and a committed community. Vincent Galindo , Head of Human Resources

Key figures

42 years Average employee age
10 years Average length of service
+ 50% of total staff have attended at least one training session / year

They talk about their experience

Fatou Diene,

Head of Operations at the Railroad Department

Racim Lainceur,

Operations Manager at the Rail Department


Our diversity is at the heart of company strategy

With many nationalities represented and spread throughout 50 countries and all transport and logistics professions, AGL performs global logistics thanks to its employees who are knowledgeable about the specificities of each country. This diversity is a source of innovative solutions, new opportunities and better perspectives.

AGL looks like its employees: diverse. The diversity of talents and backgrounds allows the company to strengthen its capacity for innovation and attractiveness. AGL promotes gender equality, facilitates the integration of fragility, and implements programs designed to integrate young people and offer its senior employees a happy pathway.

More women's careers

More women in our professions is an important part of our human capital development.

At AGL, diversity is at the heart of the company’s strategy. AGL attaches great importance to gender parity, making the feminization of its professions a key component of its development policy. Thanks to its policy of promoting gender equality, AGL is ensuring the rise of women within its teams by promoting female managers to all levels of responsibility, including several general managers.
Each year, AGL publishes the results of its professional equality index, which is based on 5 indicators and takes the form of a score out of 100. The index for 2023 for AGL headquarters is 78/100.
On the African continent as a whole, AGL is proud to count 20% women managers in its workforce.


Deux employés portuaires en train d'échanger sur le terminal d'Abidjan
«We are proud to have women in our workforce, at all levels of responsibility, who have dared to make their mark in traditionally more masculine professions. But women in logistics are still very much present in support functions, and very few in technical services. In our countries, we have set up programs to support girls in technical fields, with scholarships for excellence, internships and mentoring initiatives. At AGL, we are making major changes that are part of our corporate DNA. » Tahirou Barry , Member of the AGL Management Committee and Ports and Terminals CFO
Promote social inclusion

AGL is committed to training its employees to welcome vulnerable people, particularly those with disabilities.

We are committed to making it possible and easy for our subsidiaries to welcome and develop employees with disabilities through: training for recruitment teams to ensure successful integration, raising managers’ awareness of how to deal with differences, and providing premises and workstations that are adapted to the disabilities of our employees.


Une employée soudeuse qui dévoile son sourire en soulevant son casque de protection
Facilitate professional careers for youth

Attentive to the challenges faced by young people in Africa, Haiti and Timor Leste, as part of its HR policy AGL deploys programs intended to strengthen the quality of training and facilitate young people’s access to employment.

That is why it has set up partnerships with a variety of schools to introduce our careers, taking part in school forums, attending open days, welcoming interns and work-study placements and proposing jobs. 

In addition to this, through its patronage program (skills, finance, materials), the company funds initiatives led by NGOs and charities aimed to help young people thrive.

deux employés en tenue de sécurité regardant le tableau de bord d'activité dans le terminal d'Abidjan en Côte d'Ivoire
«At AGL, we guide all our employees individually, all along their career path. Through our subsidiaries as well as at head office, we have a welcome program for new interns and work-study hires. The company has also set up a professional development program for Young Talent. Senior management training programs are also held for employees that demonstrate high potential. » Vincent Bidoli , Director of Development at AGL

Our mission: to connect Africa to Africa and to the world

AGL offers a broad range of jobs and varied career paths in France and internationally. As a port concession operator, AGL has unique expertise in providing port, maritime, logistics and rail solutions in Africa, Asia (Timor) and America (Haiti). AGL guarantees its clients the best possible offer by developing quality partnerships that meet the best international standards. Attentive to its environmental footprint, AGL promotes logistics solutions that are respectful of the environment.

Joining AGL means opting for eco-responsible logistics solutions and the development of the regions in which the company operates its business. It involves expressing your talent to serve the logistics connectivity of Africa and emerging markets. 

The diversity of positions, the passion for African connectivity and the mobilization of employees to serve regional economic and social development are at the heart of the company project and we are inviting you to become a part of it.

Our dedicated guidance for the development of our employees

The men and women who devote themselves on a daily basis to the business of AGL around the world are at the core of the corporate project. Throughout their career, we offer our employees opportunities to evolve with appropriate training and diverse pathways, in particular thanks to geographic and functional mobility. 


The company accompanies employees who want to evolve and develop their careers internationally, and encourages internal mobility, facilitated by the synergies between the different business lines.

Every year, the Careers Committees offer each employee transverse, vertical or geographical mobility opportunities. Other development and diversity programs are in place – both locally and at Group level – such as the young talent program.

Mobility can build the management of tomorrow, strengthen employability and team skills, preserve human resources and talent investment, develop knowledge of the various business lines of the Group, promote loyalty through opportunities,  build team diversity, motivate and elevate those who deserve it most with a genuine career plan and strengthen the agility of the AGL entities.

employé coordinateur assis à son bureau, cb dans la main
«I am the Administrative and Financial Director of the Congo region, based at Pointe Noire. I joined the group in May 2013, and in 0 years, I held positions in 5 countries and covered 11 countries. Throughout my career within the group, I had the benefit of constant support from those above me and from the mentors who knew how to guide me. Mobility boosted my career. But apart from technical skills, I developed great humility, an open mind, resilience and perspective.. In addition to this, I learned that knowing the environment and mastering cultural codes is key to success. Mobility has made me the Manager I am today... If I had to do it all again, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second! » Maimouna Drame , Regional Director Administration and Finance, Congo Region

To ensure the success of its strategy, AGL implements an employee assessment scheme for individual and collective performance, a responsible remuneration policy and staff mobilization initiatives.

Employee performance assessment is carried out over the course of an individual annual interview and formalized through shared bases and principles throughout the company.

The goal of AGL policy in matters of remuneration is to ensure external competitiveness and internal equality, to strengthen the link to performance and to bring company commitments in matters of social responsibility to life.

employée regardant des conteneurs au loin

AGL takes action to offer its employees an opportunity for professional development clearly aligned with the human resources policy that aims to anticipate changes within our professions and allow the next generation to move up inside the company. 

As part of this, AGL has developed a mentoring program for young talents who are taking their first steps inside the company. A development pathway has also been deployed to allow talented people identified at careers committees to rapidly reach positions with greater responsibility inside the company. 

paysage d'éolienne dans un environnement désertique
«We have created middle management level development programs in the rail sector. They are the “Young Talent Rail Program” and “Out of the Box” executive programs. Each one is over a period of 12 months and they are built around railway professions and management modules. These local journeys respond to questions relating to the development and sustainability of our know-how. » Conrad Maleguel , Head of the HR training and development department at CAMRAIL

AGL offers its employees a training path adapted to the needs of the company. Diverse learning experiences are on offer for the 23,000 employees of AGL.

An online campus (e-learning) allows knowledge to be shared and accessible to all our employees. The contents are based on technical and transverse skills, soft skills, or manager development. They offer opportunities to learn, to understand, to self-assess and sometimes even to play.

Two reference training schools in the port and rail fields have also been set up by the company to train more general profiles in logistics careers: The Pan-African Port Training Center in Abidjan (CFPP) and the Higher School of Railway Careers in Bobo-Dioulasso (ESMF).

Our training offer is part of a world in constant movement, undergoing profound and sometime sudden changes. It also takes developments, in particular technical developments into account, in order to ensure rigorous, regular and appropriate training. Employee ownership of the training courses and the satisfaction of our clients constitute an area for improvement that we measure through studies.

For meaningful Training.

Employé portuaire donnant des consignes à ses collaborateurs dans un terminal
«Meaningful for each person, individually, to respond to our daily needs, in our professional practice, as well as to respond to our aspirations. Meaningful for everyone, as part of the company reasoning, a concrete translation of the strategic vision and goals. Meaningful for our clients, so that the quality of our service is sustainable and makes us stand out. Thanks to the expert training and education teams, as well as our network of careers experts and our Leaning network, we have successfully created a happy marriage between the fundamentals of apprenticeship, technological developments and the support of our teams.» Frederic Demarcq , Head of Training
employés logistiques supervisant le chargement de cargaison dans un port

Join us See our offers

Are you passionate about a career in logistics?

Do you want to contribute to the logistical transformation of Africa as well as emerging markets?

AGL promises a transparent, non-discriminatory recruitment process free from any conflict of interest for all its subsidiaries.

Looking for a job, an internship or a VIE

Discover all our internship offers on our career site, you can also create an email alert

The application

Applying for a job is easy: fill in the form, attach you CV and cover letter

Making contact

If your profile is selected, a recruiter will contact you for an interview. If you are selected, you will meet with a manager to confirm your motivation


Congratulations, you have been selected. This is where the integration process begins

Are you :

Looking for a position with a permanent contract

Are you looking for a stimulating work environment with an international outlook, working with 23,000 colleagues?

There are positions on offer in the 50 countries in Africa where AGL is present. This year once again, AGL is planning to hire permanent and fixed term contracts, in particular through recruitment campaigns for the professions that make the group such a varied company: Logistics, maritime, port, rail…

Discover all the offers and join us!

Employée femme portant son casque sous le bras dos à des conteneurs

What about joining us for your first professional experience?

At head office and in the subsidiaries, AGL offers thousands of intern and work-study positions. A dedicated integration program for interns and work-study hires is in place to facilitate young people’s professional integration to the workplace.

For varied and challenging missions; join us and contribute to the logistical transformation of Africa and emerging markets. 

Deux employés portuaires en train d'échanger sur une passerelle au terminal d'Abidjan


AGL is the credo of a major player in transport and logistics in Africa, which intends to mobilize the power of its new shareholder MSC to develop and participate in the emergence of a virtuous value chain for Africa and Africans.

Our common vision is clearly our fundamental confidence in Africa and its ability to develop. Our strategy in this regard is to contribute to Africa’s sustainable growth.

AGL’ core values are based on those of the MSC Group and will serve as our compass.

Equipe de travail dans le secteur de la logistique

Faced with the changes the world is going through, we will humbly act on a daily basis to provide useful answers to our clients. Even if we are affiliated with the world’s leading shipowner, our activity is at the heart of Africa’s daily life and requires that we know how to listen to our environment. Our colleagues must therefore be models of humility and respect in their attitude, including outside the workplace, in accordance with our code of ethics.

Entrepreneurial passion

The AGL network was built by dedicated and committed men and women. At AGL, we will innovate, build and invest in the development of the logistics business that we are so passionate about.

Agility and Excellence

To meet the expectations of our customers and partners, we take the challenge of adapting our responses to the challenges of each stakeholder. We look for the most innovative solutions to cope with change, while respecting safety and the environment. The objective is to gain the trust of our customers and partners


The diversity within our teams finds its unity in a shared pride of belonging. It allows us to contribute through our policies to the full development of our employees, to the sharing of the value created with the local populations of our activities as well as with the countries in which we operate.

«Because our employees are what make this joint adventure so enriching, we invest in everyone’s development by offering a career path based on appropriate guidance, encouraging mobility, a diverse organization and a committed community» Vincent Galindo , Head of Human Resources

Discover our offers

You are passionate about the logistics sector and wish to contribute to the logistics transformation in Africa and in emerging markets. AGL promotes a transparent, non-discriminatory and conflict-free recruitment process in all its subsidiaries. Join our 21,000 employees who are committed to eco-responsible logistics every day.

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