CAMRAIL, a subsidiary of Africa Global Logistics, announces that as part of the continuous modernization of operations related to track maintenance supported and accompanied by the State of Cameroon, a new application called UP RAIL has just been made available to the Cameroonian railway concessionaire by the Belgian company Pepps Engineering.
The result of Cameroonian-Belgian cooperation and at the initiative of the State of Cameroon, the UP RAIL application, whose installation in the CAMRAIL computer system is now effective, was the subject of a presentation and training of the main users in the field. It was from October 29 to 30, 2024 in Douala during a working session dedicated to its on-site acceptance, in the presence of representatives of the Ministry of Transport and those of other member administrations of the Monitoring Committee of the pilot project for the digitalization of the maintenance of the railway between Douala and Yaoundé.

«The UP RAIL application will make it possible to completely dematerialize the maintenance process of the railway. From now on, prospecting, planning and carrying out work will be done digitally, allowing for more precision and efficiency. This allows us to know in real time what work is in progress and where exactly it is taking place. In other words, the inventory is done in a macroscopic way, which is impossible to do on paper.» Dieudonné Manawa, Head of the Track Department at CAMRAIL
In addition to the dematerialization of railway maintenance, the introduction of the UP RAIL application will save time, increase efficiency and increase productivity.
«The provision of the UP RAIL application is the culmination of the contract signed on September 20, 2023 in Yaoundé between the Minister of Transport Jean Ernerst Massena Ngalle Bibehe and the Managing Director of the Belgian company Pepps Engineering, Yannick Gilis. The State demonstrates, once again, its commitment to resolutely pursue the modernisation of the railway infrastructure and all the related processes.» Claude Missè Ntonè, Director of Rail Transport
The introduction of UP RAIL for the digitalization of railway maintenance comes in a context marked by the effectiveness of PQ2, the five-year program n°2 under which 598 km of track will be completely renewed between Douala and Yaoundé on the one hand and Bélabo-Ngaoundéré on the other. All this will consecrate the complete renewal of the Cameroonian railway network, excluding the West line.
A subsidiary of Africa Global Logistics, CAMRAIL has been the concessionaire of the Cameroonian railway since 1999. A major player in economic and social development in Cameroon, CAMRAIL invests an average of 12 billion CFA francs per year. The company pays an average of 10 billion CFA francs each year to the State of Cameroon in royalties, taxes and duties. With 1,500 direct employees and 4,000 subcontracting staff, CAMRAIL is developing a proactive human resources policy.
Press contact:
Hugues Mbala Manga – Head of the Communication Department Tél. : 696 91 01 28