Asta-Rosa Cissé new AGL Regional Director for the Ivory Coast – Burkina Faso region
Asta-Rosa Cissé has been appointed Regional Director for Ivory Coast – Burkina Faso for Africa Global Logistics (AGL). She takes over from Pierre Bellerose.
Asta-Rosa Cissé is the first woman to hold the position of Regional Director at AGL and will oversee the company’s activities and developments in Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso. She will coordinate port and maritime activities, as well as rail (SITARAIL) and logistics activities (AGL Burkina Faso – AGL Ivory Coast).
With over 20 years’ experience in the transport and logistics sector, the new Regional Director has a thorough understanding of the region’s environment as well as logistics and port issues. Her mission is to strengthen AGL’s position in the growth of regional trade and the development of West African corridors.

«I am extremely proud to accept this appointment. I would like to express my gratitude to AGL and its President for choosing me. I will be working with the Executive Directors and the 5,000 employees of our various subsidiaries in Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso to grow our business. I am convinced that with everyone's expertise and commitment, we will succeed,» said Asta-Rosa Cissé
Asta Rosa Cissé joined Africa Global Logistics in 2007. In 2018, she was appointed Executive Director of Abidjan Terminal (AT), the port of Abidjan’s leading container terminal. Under her leadership, ATL has achieved results that have contributed to the growth of the Port of Abidjan. Asta Rosa Cissé holds an Executive PMD from IESE Business School Barcelona/MDE Business School, as well as a postgraduate degree in Accounting and Finance from ESG Paris and a DESCF from INTEC in Paris.
«We are proud to promote Asta-Rosa Cissé to the position of AGL Regional Director for Côte d'Ivoire and Burkina Faso. Through her experience and leadership, Asta will be responsible for implementing AGL's strategy in line with the development vision of the authorities in Côte d Ivoire and Burkina Faso,» said Philippe Labonne, President of the AGL Group
About AGL– Africa Global Logistics
AGL (Africa Global Logistics) is the leading multimodal logistics operator (port, logistics, maritime and rail) in Africa. The company is now part of the MSC Group, a major shipping and logistics company. With expertise developed over more than a century and more than 23,000 employees in 49 countries, AGL provides its African and global customers with bespoke and innovative worldwide logistics solutions, with the aim of making a lasting contribution to Africa’s transformation. AGL is also present in Haiti and Timor.
Press contacts:
Rachel HOUNSINOU, Media Relations Manager – AGL T+33 01 88 87 10 14 – 06 43 27 16 91
Arsène Yapi, Media and Content Manager – AGL Côte d ‘Ivoire-Burkina Faso T +225 27 21 22 04 01 / +225 07 07 19 49 67 –