AGL signs partnership with CI20 to support innovation in Africa
On May 16, 2024, in Abidjan, Africa Global Logistics (AGL) signed a partnership agreement with Côte d’Ivoire Innovation 20 (Ci 20), a group of companies in the innovation sector, brought together in the form of an association, with the aim of federating the best of Côte d’Ivoire’s start-ups and being their spokesperson.
This partnership, supported by the Ivorian government, aims to provide AGL with the network, expertise and experience of the Ci 20, to facilitate the development of its Yiri innovation center, located in Abidjan, in order to promote better support for young entrepreneurs in Africa.

«This partnership marks a significant milestone in our commitment to accelerate our digital transformation and strengthen our position in the global market. The Ci20, recognized for its expertise in networking and knowledge of innovation-related issues, will be of important support to us in the implementation and development of our Yiri Innovation Center» Joël Hounsinou, Managing Director of AGL Côte d'Ivoire
As part of its collaboration with AGL, Ci20 will support the company in the construction of “accelerate”, the first program of the Yiri Innovation Center, for which the call for applications will be launched in mid-June 2024. “Accelerate” is an open innovation program dedicated to startups developing technological solutions in key or related sectors of the AGL Group (logistics, transport, digital, etc.). It aims to accelerate their growth through expert coaching, training and events within an innovation hub in the heart of Abidjan.
«The signing of this partnership is a symbol of the vitality of the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem in Côte d'Ivoire. We are pleased with the signing of this partnership and are committed to working to promote the Yiri innovation center, supported by AGL» Alex Degny, Président of Ci20
This collaboration between AGL and Ci20 is the result of a B2B meeting on the Côte d’Ivoire pavilion at VIVATECH 2023 in France and represents an official springboard for Ivorian startups to access the markets of the 49 countries where the AGL Group is present.
About Africa Global Logistics (AGL)
AGL is the leading multimodal logistics operator (port, logistics, maritime and rail) in Africa. The company is now part of the MSC Group, a leading company in maritime transport and logistics. AGL provides its African and global customers with comprehensive, customized and innovative logistics solutions, with the ambition to be “At the Heart of Africa’s Transformations”. AGL is present in 47 countries in Africa but also in Haiti and Timor. Through its Yiri Innovation Center, located in Abidjan, AGL supports the digital transformations of Africa’s logistics, stimulating innovation and providing young people, students, AGL employees and start-ups with a working environment conducive to creativity and the exploration of new ideas.
About the CI20
« Côte d’Ivoire Innovation 20 » (Ci20) est un collège de 15 entreprises technologiques dirigées par des jeunes entrepreneurs Ivoiriens (dont 13 prix nationaux d’Excellence), ayant 5 ans en moyenne d’expérience sur leurs marchés spécifiques (Fintech, Agritech, Healthtech, EdTech, etc.). Le Ci20 a pour ambition de fédérer le meilleur des Start-ups de Côte d’ivoire et en d’être le porte-voix. Les membres du Ci20 contribuent à la création de plus de 2000 emplois, et génèrent 11 milliards de FCFA de chiffre d’affaires annuel. Le Ci20 est à l’origine de plusieurs initiatives dont la loi STARTUP ACT, STARTUP4GOUV, SASEN et STARTUP BOOST CAPITAL qui ont impacté l’écosystème de l’innovation en Côte d’Ivoire, faisant gagner au pays, 5 places dans le classement mondiale de l’innovation (The Global Innovation Index 2022).
Contact presse:
Arsène YAPI, Chef de département Médias et Contenus – AGL (Côte d’Ivoire-Burkina Faso)
T +225 27 21 22 04 01 / +225 07 07 19 49 67 –