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  • Senegal

16 July 2024 | 16:05

AGL Senegal mobilizes in favor of equal opportunities

More than 150 AGL Senegal employees were actively mobilized on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2024, along with their colleagues.


This day, whose global theme was “Investing in women: accelerating the pace”, was used by the valiant employees of AGL Senegal to discuss the relevant theme: “Equal opportunities M/F: internal promotion, promotional and geographical mobility”.

On this occasion, a high-level panel was made up of Mrs. Awa Ndiaye SAGNA, Director General of the Centre for Training in Port Professions and Logistics (CFMPL); Ms. Fatoumata Mbengue BA, CEO FAM Advisory; Mrs. Ama Wane LY, Managing Director of TERANGA LOGISTICS SERVICES; Mrs. Bintou KONARE PAYE, Director of Human Resources at AGL with Mrs. Awa Cheikh DIOUF as Moderator, Executive Director of the Henriette BATHILY Women’s Museum.

In the presence of Mrs. Innocence NTAP NDIAYE, Patron of the High Council for Social Dialogue, the different panelists captivated the audience by recounting their inspiring experiences, the difficulties they faced, the socio-cultural constraints that influenced their professional paths, while providing relevant advice to their sisters.

«I would like to magnify the quality of the debate and to warmly thank the panelists, the participants as well as the Regional Management who, thanks to their strong involvement and mobilization, made this meeting a success» Emma VAZ CARVALHO, Président of the Amicale des Femmes d'AGL Senegal
«L’égalité des chances hommes-femmes fait partie des enjeux prioritaires de notre entreprise qui l’a intégrée depuis plusieurs années dans sa politique RH et dans une charte dédiée à la diversité. La promotion interne et la mobilité géographique sont basées sur la reconnaissance du talent et des compétences des collaborateurs » Augustin Mathias SENE, Director of Human Resources

L’Amicale a par ailleurs organisé une exposition, « Deux Générations de Femmes, une vocation », en collaboration le Musée de la Femme Henriette BATHILY.

Un sympathique déjeuner a été offert aux participantes et aux participants à l’issue de cet important événement, agrémenté d’une prestation humoristique de la Troupe Kocc Barma de Rufisque.

About AGL Sénégal

As the leading integrated logistics network in Senegal, AGL Senegal with nearly 1,000 employees in the Dakar, Kaolack and Kidira branches, operates in the fields of transport commissioning, shipping agency, consignment, port handling and multimodal logistics. A specialist in logistics and major industrial and mining projects, AGL Senegal is also an expert in the transport of heavy loads and exceptional convoys and value-added warehousing. The company offers a diversified range of services and represents a support base for the countries of the sub-region, within the framework of structuring projects and playing a key role in opening up countries. 


Press contact:

Diallo Marlyatou – Communications Manager – AGL Senegal

marlyatou.diallo@aglgroup.com – +221 77 202 92 11

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