AGL launches “YIRI”, the regional innovation center dedicated to african youth
On March 18, 2024 in Abidjan, Asta-Rosa Cissé, Regional Director of Africa Global Logistics (AGL) for Côte d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso, launched the activities of “YIRI”, Africa Global Logistics’ flagship of innovation. This centre, located in the heart of the Ivorian capital, aims to support the digital transformations of Africa’s logistics by stimulating innovation at AGL.
“YIRI” will provide a framework for creativity and the exploration of new ideas that can have a positive impact on the logistics industry in Africa. Several specific support programmes will be launched to enable young people to acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the ideation and implementation of digitalisation projects. They will thus enable the African start-up ecosystem to benefit from the opportunities to bring their solutions to market.

«The launch of 'YIRI' is a crucial step in the implementation of our corporate strategy 'At the Heart of Africa's Transformations'. This collaborative platform between AGL students, start-ups, employees and customers will be a real melting pot from which innovative solutions will emerge, adapted to the specific realities of our continent and respectful of the environment. Our credo is to enable the acceleration of start-ups.» Fatou Diomandé, Head of the Abidjan Innovation Centre
The “YIRI” Center, built in the heart of the municipality of Marcory, in Abidjan, will house modular and collaborative spaces to offer students, AGL employees, and start-ups an optimal working environment thanks to the technological tools deployed there. It will also offer a diversified program, open to the general public, including thematic conferences, pitch competitions, innovation challenges as well as masterclasses around the centers of interest in digitalization (artificial intelligence, mobility, etc…)
«We are pleased to launch 'YIRI' to catalyze innovation not only among AGL (employees and customers), but also among university students and start-up promoters. This initiative is a contribution to the efforts implemented by African States in general and Côte d'Ivoire in particular to promote professional integration.» Asta Rosa Cissé, Regional Director of AGL Côte d'Ivoire-Burkina Faso
“YIRI”, whose first activities are launched on March 18, 2024, consolidates Africa Global Logistics’ commitment to the empowerment of African youth. This initiative will benefit from the density of AGL’s port, logistics, maritime and rail facilities and skills, the company’s training centres and AGL’s sponsorship programme.
About Africa Global Logistics (AGL)
AGL is the leading multimodal logistics operator (port, logistics, maritime and rail) in Africa. The company is now part of the MSC Group, a leading shipping and logistics company. AGL provides its African and global customers with comprehensive, customized and innovative logistics solutions, with the ambition to be “At the Heart of Africa’s Transformations”. AGL is present in 47 countries in Africa, as well as in Haiti and Timor.
Contacts presse :
Rachel Hounsinou, Media Relations Manager AGL +33(0)6 43 27 16 91
Arsène YAPI, Media and Content Manager – AGL Côte d’Ivoire
+225 27 21 22 04 01 / +225 07 07 19 49 67 –