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  • Cameroon / Central African Republic / Chad

27 September 2024 | 10:46

AGL Gulf of Guinea supports the education of 3500 students

3500 students from public primary schools in the Gulf of Guinea region, including Cameroon, Chad and CAR, benefited from social actions on September 25, 2024. This initiative of Africa Global Logistics is part of the very first edition of the Day of Solidarity, called “Solidarity Day”. 

Africa Global Logistics (AGL) Gulf of Guinea region, through its subsidiaries AGL Cameroon, Socopao, Kribi Containers Terminal (KCT), Terminal Bois du Port de Douala (TBPD), CAMRAIL, AGL Chad and AGL Central African Republic, has completely renovated and equipped the bookshop of the Deido Group 2 Primary Public School in Douala on the sidelines of a giant collection of didactic books; equipped the Lende Dibe public primary school in Kribi with teaching materials; donated books to the Mabanga primary school in Ngaoundere; rehabilitated the Hope Reception Centre in N’Djamena and the Ouango Sao school, in the 7th district of Bangui. The latter school has also received a donation of books, table-benches and literacy kits.

«AGL's rehabilitation of the Centre for which we are responsible, which welcomes disadvantaged young people in search of social reintegration, is a highly humanistic and impactful act. AGL is giving them a chance today to make their way in society. It is an investment in people and we are very grateful for it.» Aleva Ndavogo, President of the Dakouna Espoir association in N'Djamena

It should also be noted that AGL employees in the Gulf of Guinea took part in sports walks and other recreational activities aimed at strengthening their ties.

«We strongly believe that education is a fundamental right and an essential pillar for the future of the African continent. By investing in these projects, rehabilitating the libraries of these primary schools and bringing books and teaching materials to children in vulnerable situations, we are reaffirming our commitment to building a better future for all. This perfectly reflects our strategy to be at the heart of Africa's transformations.» Serge Agnero, Regional Director Gulf of Guinea at Africa Global Logistics

Created in 2024 at the initiative of AGL President Philippe Labonne, the “Solidarity Day” is an annual cohesion event that brings together the 23,000 employees around a solidarity action in favor of youth. This year, the “Solidarity Day” was celebrated throughout the AGL network under the theme of education.

About Africa Global Logistics Gulf of Guinea

AGL (Africa Global Logistics) is the leading multimodal logistics operator (port, logistics, maritime and rail) in Africa. The company is now part of the MSC Group, a leading company in shipping and logistics. With expertise developed over more than a century and more than 23,000 employees in 49 countries, Africa Global Logistics is present in the Gulf of Guinea with 3,700 employees in 04 countries (Cameroon, Chad, CAR and Equatorial Guinea). AGL provides its African and global customers with comprehensive, customized and innovative logistics solutions, with the ambition to contribute sustainably to Africa’s transformation. AGL is also present in Haiti and Timor.


Press contact: 

Thierry NGOGANG – Director of Communications Gulf of Guinea – Africa Global Logistics T +237 691 53 41 29 – thierry.ngogang@aglgroup.com

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