AGL Gabon concrete actions for youth
Africa Global Logistics Group (AGL) celebrated its Solidarity Day on Wednesday, September 25, an annual event that brings together its 23,000 employees across the African continent to support social actions in favor of youth. For the occasion, AGL Gabon focused its efforts in four major cities where the company is located, namely Libreville, Franceville, Lastourville and Port-Gentil.
In Libreville, a donation of a hundred tables and benches was made to the Awendje school complex to improve the learning conditions of students. In Franceville, AGL provided fresh food and construction materials for the rehabilitation of the boarding school of the “Hosanna” orphanage, thus helping to provide a safer and welcoming environment for the children. In Lastourville, school kits were distributed to children in the district of Ndangui, and in Port-Gentil, the Grand Village public school benefited from donations of school supplies.
After these actions, employees gathered for sports activities, including a 5 km walk, a symbol of the unity and commitment of the AGL teams to solidarity.

«Solidarity is more than a word for us at AGL, it is a value that is deeply rooted in our corporate culture. It reflects our commitment to contribute positively to the communities in the regions where we operate and to support youth, who are the future of any nation. Through this day, we demonstrate that unity and mutual aid are essential levers for sustainable development.» Patrick GERENTHON, Managing Director of AGL Gabon
In the continuity of bringing a smile to the Gabonese youth, AGL Gabon will also make a donation to the Mayonami village in the department of Ndougou in Gamba of school supplies and teaching materials. In total, nearly 500 children have been reached by this solidarity initiative across the different cities.
About AGL (Africa Global Logistics) Gabon
AGL provides port handling, maritime consignment, transit logistics and customs commission services with its 1,100 employees in Gabon. We offer our customers a local service, a perfect knowledge of the markets and a mastery of end-to-end operations of the supply chain. AGL is committed alongside government and port authorities to fight against the high cost of living and contribute to the economic and social growth of Gabon, while conducting an active policy of support for the Gabonese population on the social level and within the framework of our internal sponsorship policy, oriented towards young people.
Press contact:
Aimée Pascaline MOUGOULA – Head of Communication & CSR Department – AGL Gabon – T +241 62 30 40 86 / +241 11 70 95 00 / +241 11 79 4100