AGL employees provide support to children living with cancer and leprosy in Ivory Coast
As part of International Women’s Day, the women’s association of the subsidiaries of Africa Global Logistics (AGL) in Côte d’Ivoire, which are: AGL Côte d’Ivoire, SITARAIL, Abidjan Terminal, Côte d’Ivoire Terminal and CARENA, donated, on Wednesday, March 06, 2024, essential medical equipment, to the pediatric oncology center of the Treichville University Hospital in the city of Abidjan and to the Raoul Follereau Institute of Adzopé, 100 km north of Abidjan.
These donations, consisting of syringes, latex gloves, compresses, antiseptic medicines and cleaning equipment, to these health centres specialising in the care of children with cancer and leprosy, aim to show the solidarity of AGL employees in favour of vulnerable populations.
Through this initiative, the AGL Women’s Association renews its commitment to contribute each year to the health and well-being of the populations living in Côte d’Ivoire.

«These donations of medical equipment aim to improve the conditions of care for sick children admitted to these hospitals. Through this action, carried out in line with the AGL Group's values of solidarity, we are demonstrating our commitment to contribute to slowing the progression of cancer and leprosy among children in Côte d'Ivoire.» Martine Coffi-Studer, Chair of the Board of Directors of AGL Côte d'Ivoire
«These donations from AGL come at the right time within our health centre because they will allow us to better care for children suffering from pathologies whose treatments are expensive for the victims' parents, who generally come from disadvantaged backgrounds. It is important to know that childhood cancer can be cured if it is diagnosed early. This is why we welcome the adequate resources made available to us by AGL and which will help facilitate the full recovery of children with cancer.» Lassina Cissé, Head of the Paediatrics Department at Treichville University Hospital.
In addition to the handing over of this medical equipment, the women of the company organized several conferences, in Abidjan and San Pédro, on the theme: “Investing in women: accelerating the pace”, as well as training workshops, sports and recreational activities, and an exhibition-sale followed by the traditional lunch of the women of the Amicale.
About Africa Global Logistics (AGL) in Côte d'Ivoire
Present in Côte d’Ivoire in logistics (AGL Côte d’Ivoire), rail transport (Sitarail), port handling, through Abidjan Terminal and Côte d’Ivoire Terminal, as well as ship maintenance with CARENA, AGL currently employs more than 8,000 Ivorian employees through its agencies in Abidjan, San Pedro, Bouaké, Noé, Ferkessédougou and Ouangolodougou. The company actively participates in the development of Côte d’Ivoire and invests in the development of the skills of its employees and young people, through its Pan-African Port Training Center (CFPP). AGL also carries out actions in favour of the population in partnership with associations, for example to help young people go to school and to reintegrate them into society and to raise their awareness of the need to preserve the environment.
Press contact :
Arsène YAPI, Media and Content Manager – AGL Côte d’Ivoire
T +225 27 21 22 04 01 / +225 07 07 19 49 67 –